My Home Office Improvements

I have completed my review, commissioned by 10 Downing Street, of the UK’s intelligence and anti-terror services, and it is now on Tony Blair’s desk. The review was promted by the August terror plot.

I have appeared before MPs on the Home Affairs Select Committee, to give evidence and a progress report on my troubled department. Whilst I am perfect, I admit that the Home Office is still far from perfect. I have instigated 20 changes of leadership within the department since May.

I have pleasure in announcing that asylum applications are down to their lowest level since 1993. And, that for the first three quarters of this year the Home Office has managed to remove more failed asylum seekers than the number making unfounded claims. 43 foreign criminals have been deported in the last 2 months. The figures for last week show a record number of deportations of foreign national prisoners at 88. We have made significant progress in border controls. This calls for celebrations all round! Senior staff within the Home office, and the Immigration and Nationality Directorate have not been paid bonuses.

Because I am a law unto myself, I intend to spend a little more time actually delivering, rather than passing laws.

4 Responses to My Home Office Improvements

  1. yucca says:

    with all due respect, Sir: how could you have deported 88 in the last week and 43 in the last 2 months? 43, forgive my bluntness, is a smaller number than 88, as i am sure u r aware of, Sir:-)

  2. reidmylips says:

    As of last week the total number is 88. However, in the last 2 months 43 have been deported. It does appear at first sight that the numbers do not add up, but rest assured, they do, because the 43 comes within the total of 88. I hope this has made it clearer for you?

  3. yucca says:

    i see: 88 isn’t just for last week, but the total number up until then. i hope the Home Sec can forgive my misunderstanding

  4. reidmylips says:

    An easy mistake to make. Even I had to look at the figures twice as I did not think they added up when I first read them.

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